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Partially due to price and changing of requirements, we don't have a plan yet.

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Mon, 08-Jul-2024 1:48:56 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: it was only one room, and it took 3 months. posted by chloe
After getting the BIG DREAM estimate of about $155K, we trimmed the dream down to something smaller. The smaller dream could cost $55K, not including furniture that we'd have to get in lieu of cabinets. No window seat, and basically no kitchen. No third room, just one giant room. We haven't gotten the second estimate from the contractor in the middle. The third contractor gave us the $55K estimate.

Meanwhile, having removed the panel in the patio door with the dog door in it and propped open the door at the end of the screen because the big dog's CoS, we're having to open and close the patio door to let the dogs in and out. Who knew that the dogs went in and out as frequently as they did...until you actually have to open and close the patio door because you can't leave the patio door open when it's about 100 degrees and you're trying keep the house in the mid-70s.

The dog in the CoS, the reason for opening, closing, and blocking doors, keeps untying the ribbon, but wears the cone so I won't notice. If I forget to put the CoS back on after she eats, she'll sneak off to the kennel and lick at the incision site. I'm pretty sure she'll have one dangling stitch when we go in for the appointment to have the stitches removed on Wednesday. She keeps ramming people (the other dog, walls, doors, and other objects) with the CoS. She tries to herd with it. Two more days. No more anti-inflammatory meds or antibiotics. No test results for the cluster of lumps, but I got them for the one lump under her jaw. Yes, the remodel included an extra-large dog door which will be fully enclosed and climate controlled.

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