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Great minds and all. 😁

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Tue, 09-Jul-2024 8:08:50 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: That's what I said!!! posted by Tanya24
Granted, I've watched 9-1-1 more off than on, but I don't remember Abby, Taylor, or any of Buck's other potential partners being asked their intentions, and if anybody should have had their intentions questioned, it was Abby!

Oh, yeah, Abby totally needed her intentions questioned. I really wasn't a fan of "We must question if the gay man is honorable" when the straight women Buck dated before never were asked this.

Buck is a full-grown a$$ man. He's a firefighter;

I hate how people (on the show and fans) treat Buck like he's a child. This is an adult man. Granted he can be an idiot sometimes but that doesn't mean he needs to be helicopter parented by everyone. No one was a bigger idiot this season than Eddie but you don't see people react to him the same way.

Tommy's line about "trying to keep up" with Buck. Yeah, they've been doing stuff 😈 but ABC I'm going to need actual proof or it never happened.

Was there any doubt that Buck was hitting that after the hospital kiss? 😂😂 Tommy is insanely hot so who wouldn't be climbing him if given the chance? But I would also like visible proof next season.

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