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It might have played better with more lively music but yeah. spoiler

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Tue, 09-Jul-2024 10:47:47 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Where are the 9-1-1 peeps? (Deleted scene Tommy, Hen and Karen) posted by Tanya24
But God forbid you point out that what Karen and Hen are doing is kind of inappropriate to be doing about a 30-something year old man who has had multiple sexual partners and relationships at this point.

But no, somehow it's Tommy who is being weird.

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