SoapZone Community Message Board


Re: Bobby and... spoiler

From: Tanya24 Find all posts by Tanya24 Send private message to Tanya24
Date: Wed, 10-Jul-2024 12:22:04 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV πŸ“Ί Post posted by Leia
In reply to: 9-1-1 Drops Major Hint About Season 8 Premiere β€” And It’s Going to Sting posted by Antwon
Gerard. I wonder if Bobby will be Gerard's second-in-command (do firehouses have a second-in-command), or will he just be a regular firefighter?
I can't stand Gerard, but I'm looking forward to Bobby vs. Gerard.

I hope Lou is coming back so that Tommy and Evan can continue their relationship. Even if he's on recurring status, I'd be happy with that.

Maybe Buck gets stung multiple times, and Tommy has to rub calamine lotion all over him.

*hangs head* I'll see myself out.

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