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As I said, I missed that specific part. My attention was divided between

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 27-Jul-2024 3:23:49 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post 🥀 posted by Leia
In reply to: Wasn’t the drag Last Supper part of a fashion show? Fashion and Paris posted by Kitchop
the opening ceremony, the Guardians game and some brownies I was baking.

Fashion and Paris are certainly deeply connected.

Yes, they are. And I actually really liked the catwalk across the one bridge and the parade of fashion. But again, they took a sacred moment and made it into at best a "fashion choice" and at worse a mockery.

Also, the motto of these Olympics is “Games Wide Open” and one of the themes of these Olympics is inclusion and diversity. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be offended but maybe that theme is what they were going for?

How exactly is mocking Christians "inclusion and diversity"? The scene did the opposite, and usually sports are pretty uniting on their own. They could've had the drag queens reenacting scenes from Les Miserable or some other musical, or a book other than the Bible, or a movie, or a TV show, or really ANYTHING but instead they chose The Last Supper. My opinion? They were going for shock value, which I understand as an option for some kind of event. But why didn't they reenact a scene from the Quran or something from Hinduism or Buddhism? They didn't have to choose something still considered sacred to a number of viewers but they did. It wasn't necessary, it had nothing to do with France (fashion choice aside) and it was, IMO and in the opinion of many viewers, a hiccup in an otherwise stellar opening ceremony.

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