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Obviously I can't speak for every Christian...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 27-Jul-2024 6:01:09 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post 🥀 posted by Leia
In reply to: Does every non-Christian depiction of the last summer cause this much offense? posted by K_StillNotOver2016
I don't remember much of an outcry when The Simpsons depicted the TLS. Or That 70s Show. Or in History of the World Part I. Or many, many other times it has been depicted. And that's only in the US. It'd make even fewer waves in France.

First of all, the majority of the Christians who were offended by the Olympics' portrayal don't watch The Simpsons or That 70's Show. But they might tune in to a once-every-four-years sporting event meant to showcase the world's best athletes and unite the world. I've never seen the depictions of TLS so I couldn't say if I'd be offended or not, nor could I say if other Christians would be/were.

I didn't think it was a halo. I saw it as a crown, especially since she was dressed in blue.

A "crown" with rays emanating outward from the center. Like...a halo would.

And "Dionysus" didn't form the heart. That was the DJ with the halo or crown, depending on your POV. was Jesus in the midst of the Last Supper painting.

Dionysus came a little later or earlier, painted in blue, holding a microphone and sitting on the table.

Ah, my mistake.

And equally, if it's supposed to be The Last Supper, why are there no plates at the table?

I can't answer that <g>. Maybe the plates were cleared?

I don't share this POV. Even if it was The Last Supper, and even if they caused offense, I do not think they intended to mock Christians whatsoever. Not when using TLS as an inspiration for adaptation, satire and parody has been done so often before without this reaction. This is not what they would want people to be talking about the next day.

I would like to point out that I've read a number of comments posted about the depiction and it isn't just Christians who were offended. It was Muslims, who revere Jesus as a mighty prophet, though not the son of God like Christians do. It was atheists offended on behalf of the Christians they know. It was French citizens who thought it was distasteful. It was members of the LBGTQ+ community that thought it crossed a line and made other LGBTQ+ folks look bad. But IA...this is NOT what we should be talking about today. We should be talking about Lady Gaga. About the parade of nations down the Seine. About the nods to those restoring Notre Dame. About that magnificent steel horse "galloping" down the Seine. About the 100 year old medalist in his wheelchair, sitting tall and proud as he held the flame. About Celine Freakin' Dion overcoming health issues to belt out songs in what might be the best performance of her lifetime. But no, we're talking about drag queens *sigh*.

And I admit that I'm biased against those who I see publicly fanning these flames.

I can tell. Sadly, the "good" Christians will just turn the other cheek as instructed and remind one another that the Bible promised the world will turn against them in the later days. Jesus was hated then so why should his followers expect to be treated differently now?

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