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I was mistaken about the halo--I'd seen other images online that

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 29-Jul-2024 6:52:54 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post 🥀 posted by Leia
In reply to: A few links.... posted by StarryDreamer
were depictions of the painting that DID include a halo.

However--and this is my final thoughts on the subject--saying the tableau was meant to be a depiction of Greek gods and not The Last Supper will not change the perception of the scene some people have. Kind of like the "is the dress white/gold or blue/black" debate on TikTok in 2015, only this time, some people perceived a slight to their faith, which is a lot more serious than the color of a dress. People are going to bring their personal biases towards their interpretation of the scene (and really, isn't art all about interpretation?) and officials claiming it WASN'T a depiction of The Last Supper does not negate the feelings of those who thought it was. I believe I've stated this here before but...I see the similarities. I cannot UNsee the similarities. And I find it hard to believe that during the months of preparation, nobody else saw the similarities.

And my final, final thought <g>...SZ has been respectful when discussing the tableau but that is not necessarily the case on other social media. What saddens me is the vitriol I've seen on BOTH sides, with the folks seeing the similarities to The Last Supper (I'm not going to say "Christians" because I've also seen Muslims, atheists, LGBTQIA+ community members and random Frenchmen and women call the scene a mockery of The Last Supper) insisting it was an attack on Christianity and calling for the heads of everyone involved and generally talking about the world going to h*ll, and the folks NOT seeing the similarities to The Last Supper claiming those who do are ignorant, intolerant, backwoods religious freaks who hate drag queens and want everyone not them to go to h*ll.

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