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I feel like at the very least, the bank should allow fellow Main Street

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sun, 04-Aug-2024 9:06:51 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: That sucks about the parking. They should have a parking lot for employees posted by Plumeria
employees to park in their lot. At most, we only have three employees in the store at any given time, so it's not like they'd need to give up a ton of spaces.

. Do you get in trouble for being late? And your pay gets docked because you clock in late?

I don't know. SM said we can clock in nor more than 5 minutes early for a shift but she's OK with up to 5 minutes late. So of course I went over that by three minutes. I'm guessing my pay will be docked but hopefully only a small percentage instead of the entire first hour.

Years ago I had a retail job at the Beverly Center in Los Angeles and it was such a pain to find parking in the garage and then walk from there to the store. I would end up leaving from my apartment an hour and a half before my shift to account for traffic and parking. And we only got scheduled for 4 hour shifts. I was only doing the job for the experience and employee discount ( it was a Victoria’s Secret) but eventually it just became completely not worth it.

Ugh. And your reason for working at VS is pretty much my reason for working at Chico's right now. Which reminds me...I need to find out when I can start buying clothes with my discount (and how much off it is; I've heard three different percentages). This year, Ohio expanded its tax free weekend to tax free week plus a few days. I have until Thursday to not have to pay any tax, as long as I don't buy more than $500 worth of clothes. Which I won't <g>.

Hope the situation gets better for you!

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