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From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Tue, 06-Aug-2024 7:23:52 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: πŸ“š πŸ“š πŸ“šWhatcha reading, SZ? August 2024 edition πŸ“š πŸ“š πŸ“š posted by senorbrightside
"Horror Movie" by Paul Tremblay. It got mixed reviews and I'm one because I really didn't like it. It felt too much like he was trying to recapture the magic of "A Head Full Of Ghosts" but it fell flat. The plot is about one of those "cursed films" of Hollywood lore. In college 4 friends tried to make an indy horror movie, tragedy ensued. Now as an adult the sole survivor from the cast is asked to take a part in Hollywood's attempt to make the movie properly. It goes back and forth between the past and the present. It just...wasn't good to me.

"The Housemaid" by Freida McFadden. This one got a lot of praise but I also didn't care that much for it. I think my issue with her book is how much I don't care about any of her characters. Sure, the set up is interesting, there's lots of plot twists and turns, a mystery, etc. But I need more than just a plot driven story, I need to actually invest in the characters and I just don't with her writing. Like the book I'm reading right now? Within one chapter I was already invested in the main character and his best friend. I read all of "The Housemaid" and didn't care about a single person, not even by the end of it. Anyhow, the plot is an ex-con hired by a wealthy eccentric housewife to be her maid and everyone has secrets and I just wanted someone to burn the house down by the end.

Currently reading: "I Was A Teenage Slasher", the new book from Stephen Graham Jones. A slasher story but told from the POV of the killer himself, not the final girl. It's a fun twist on the slasher genre and Jones makes the main character compelling and someone you kinda like despite knowing he's going to go on a killing spree at some point. I'm reading like "Why? What causes this normal teenager break bad? I can't wait to find out!". 😁

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