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I signed the agreement and the check...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Thu, 08-Aug-2024 10:15:36 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🚲 Thursday*~*Friday*~* Weekend Potpourri 🌤️ posted by Leia
(then forgot to give the contractor the check, so he chased me down), so we've officially agreed to start the remodel of the future former screen room.

I'm thinking that I'm not getting as much done as I'd like for $58K, but the prices have gone up, so it is what it is. I will have a level cement slab, everything drywalled and insulated, a real roof, two sets of double doors (one with a dog door in it), and a single door (with a dog door in it). There will be lots of windows, which thrills my daughter, a water line for the refrigerator that's been sitting outside for over two years (I know, it was free, but it shouldn't have taken this long), and the plumbing for the washer and the farmhouse sink I'm having installed. We have to pick out the cabinets and countertops. No set date to start or when we have to clear out the room. I'm hoping that he gives us at least two weeks' notice.

He's supposed to give me the name of a tile guy to install the tile after the floor is leveled. We'll probably get the sink and cabinets at Lowe's. I want the farmhouse sink with all the weird attachments like the cutting board, drying rack, etc. All removable and interchangeable. We need counters for the RO system and to put away the laundry stuff so the dogs won't get into it. I'd like enough shelving/space in the cabinets to be able to stow most, if not all, of the small appliances out of the way. If that doesn't work, we may be a DIY/assemble it yourself cabinet for the appliances. We may end up getting two of them (one of the appliances, one for cleaning supplies). I'd like a cabinet or something for coats and such.

Hopefully, since he's got the check, he'll start working on the plans and we'll start work on the project in September/October. That means that the project should be done early next year!

Wish us luck!

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