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I've been a personal assistant so I'm really torn about the charges...

From: Jenners97 Find all posts by Jenners97 Send private message to Jenners97
Date: Thu, 15-Aug-2024 3:08:10 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~Friday~*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
In reply to: Multiple people charged in connection to Matthew Perry’s death posted by Antwon
The doctors should be charged b/c that's a huge betrayal of their oath and profession, but being a personal assistant (or any assistant for someone powerful) is very complicated.

Full disclosure, in my PR career, I worked for a firm where MP was a client (and he was a lovely person to me on several occasions -- nothing bad to say about him). Then, I took a break from PR for a bit and was the personal assistant for the wife of a very wealthy, well known individual.

These are not normal jobs and there are incredible perks, but saying "no" is not one of them. The hours are 24/7 and the job description reads: keep the high-maintenance people happy. As a personal assistant, it was in my contract that they had to provide me a certain amount of money for legal representation for anything I was accused of while in their employment (but not provide me with their legal team). I wont even get into my NDAs.

I was the first person in my family to go to college, the first to have anything but a blue-collar job, and I was incredibly ill-prepared for life in the entertainment industry. Maybe if I came from a family of doctors, lawyers, or accountants, I would have put up with a lot less. But, I doubt it, because I knew people from those upper-class families doing the same thing to try to make it. Unless you're willing to walk away from everything LA...

Being an addict isn't just a bad person thing. It's a terrible disease and happens to people both nice and awful. MP knew what he was and knew the challenges. He got sober and when he chose to go back to using, he made a conscious choice. Maybe b/c of self-esteem, brain chemistry, or some other reason, I don't know.

Should the assistants have been stronger, more moral people? Used more sense? Yes. I'm sure they wish they had, but I don't think he'd hold his assistants responsible for his death and I don't see what them going to jail does for anyone.

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