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That’s good that you haven’t had to work most Saturdays. As you said, you

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Thu, 15-Aug-2024 11:01:09 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☀️ Thursday*~Friday~*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
In reply to: This will actually be my first Saturday on the job. I'm working posted by Wahoo
never know when you’re the newest hire.

Since they agreed to no Sundays when they hired you, you don’t want to set a bad precedent by then agreeing to work a lot of Sundays. I think it’s ok to work a few Sundays as a favor to a coworker who wants the day off for some special event (an out-of-town vacation, a christening, something like that). But if you say yes every time they ask you to work a Sunday, it will get harder and harder to enforce your “no Sundays” agreement.

You are so right. I'm working this Sunday because one of my sweetheart co-workers really wanted it off so she could rest up after being out late the night before at a concert. Not the greatest reason to demand the day off of work but all my co-workers are 10+ years older than me and I know from personal experience as we age, we don't bounce back like we used to <g>. My plan is to see how long it takes to be asked to work another Sunday. If it's within the next month or two, and somebody isn't ill or having surgery (again, unfortunately common with co-workers of a certain age), I'll be "regretfully" declining. I already know once every three months, there's a mandatory store meeting that's always on a Sunday. Depending on if it's earlier or later, I may or may not have to miss church for it...but I knew about the store meetings when I hired in and reluctantly agreed to them.

I hope you realize that you too are a sweetheart for filling in for one of your sweetheart coworkers. It sounds like you know what you have to do if they start asking you for Sundays too often.

Because age discrimination is a very real thing, especially for women, I’m surprised in a good way that Chico’s workforce skews this old. They really have to be commended for hiring an 84-yr old to sell their clothes. I’ve personally never been in a Chico’s so I had no idea that both their employees and customer base are 40+ years old. I looked Chico’s up to learn more about them since I’m over 40 (sixtysomething is over 40, right? 😉) I didn’t realize that they started as a boutique on Sanibel Island. It sounds like they still have a boutique-style of customer service as opposed to, for example, Macy’s.

I don’t know if NYC has any Chico’s but I’ll have to check. It sounds like a company I would be happy to support. Maybe your sweetheart personality is one of the reasons they hired you. Either you got lucky with this particular Chico’s store or, like Trader Joe’s, they only hire people who fit in with their corporate sunny personality profile.

Clearly your SM likes you if she has you working 6 days this week. So, hopefully, she’s already at a point where she doesn’t want to lose you.

If she's not, her second-in-command ("B") definitely is. Today was one of my best days on the job: only one customer that I had to wait on (and only 3 altogether during my shift; fortunately, they were super busy this morning and early afternoon with customers) plus I got to work with B, who's the sweetest of the sweethearts. B is always generous with her praise; she told me I was picking things up "so quickly" (I don't feel I am; I can ring up a simple sale but still occasionally need help with returns or exchanges or ordering items for customers...and it's almost never a simple sale <g>) and she feels down the road, I'd make an excellent assistant manager. She told SM so. The recognition was gratifying, and I would never say never, but I don't really see myself working in retail long.

I understand that you don’t plan to stay in retail long but isn’t it nice to know that you’re already being thought of as having management potential?

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