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*sigh* No Captains game for me tonight...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 16-Aug-2024 6:05:53 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ☀️ Thursday*~Friday~*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
The weather forecast called for rain around 8:00 PM. I figured we might get a few innings in. My aunt picked me up at 5:30...I didn't know she'd gotten tickets for two other friends of hers. The two of us, plus her friend J, drove down to the stadium and the sky opened up and it poured down buckets. Auntie decided to just turn around and go home. But her friend D was already at the game. D gave us her blessing to not come...but then the rain let up. Auntie asked J and me if we should turn around again and go to the game after all. Neither J nor I really felt comfortable making that decision, and Auntie didn't want to, so I finally said it didn't look too bad and we might get in a few innings. We got to the ballpark and it was sunny AND raining, and there was a huge, gorgeous rainbow over the stadium. Outside, the financial group my aunt and her friends are affiliated with were handing out free T-shirts...bright neon pink with the logo of the company almost overshadowing the Captains logo. But hey, free shirt! Inside, we stood in a long line and at the end, we could choose between a burger, a hot dog or pizza, plus we got chips and a drink. I mentioned in my post about the power returning that Dad and I each ate two burgers cooked on the fire pit last Saturday during the power outage, so I *really* didn't want a burger, and I actually have some hot dogs (well, "smart dogs"--vegan substitute) in the fridge, so I went for a slice of pizza and it was very good. Then we headed to our seats and of course found people sitting in them. It's become a pet peeve of mine, people who either can't read their tickets and follow the very clear markings on sections and seats to figure out where their seats are or, more likely, they know the seats they're in aren't theirs and they just don't care. I was all set to kick the people out but Auntie actually kicked out the people sitting in the seats right in front of where we were standing instead--they also were in the wrong seats. D walks with a cane, so we were all seated in the wheelchair accessible row, which made me super uncomfortable.

Anyways, though the skies had cleared, the field was pretty wet. The game was supposed to start at 7:00; at 8:00, they were still trying to sop up the water in one spot in foul territory down the third base line (right in front of us, actually). Ironically, they then watered the base path and pitcher's mound <g>. Around 7:30, my aunt started getting antsy. She doesn't like baseball--she was just there for the free shirt, the free dinner and the fireworks after the game (and of course the tickets were free)--and she *really* wanted to leave but she wasn't sure if J and I did. We actually were both cool with it; I have to work tomorrow morning and I wasn't really looking forward to getting home at midnight, assuming there wouldn't be another rain delay. I'm a little sorry we missed the game but not terribly sorry we left.

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