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Hee--I'm the exact opposite! It's only one degree warmer here and

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 20-Aug-2024 8:10:47 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY CHATFEST~ posted by chloe
In reply to: 62 degrees this morning? Yes, please!!! posted by chloe
I. Am. FREEZING. Windows are closed, I'm in a sweatshirt and leggings, I can barely feel my fingertips. Last night, I woke up shivering a couple times. All these people who "sleep hot"...I'm not one of them. I scoff at the ads for mattresses that have "cooling" technology; that would be great during the summer when it's 90° but on cooler summer days and the rest of the seasons? No thanks.

To be fair, I would much prefer summer days on the cooler side than the warmer side. Not looking forward to the weekend when we're going to be back up in the upper 80s. Also--this is not a self diagnosis but rather an observation--I've noticed a couple things about me over the years. First, I get cold easily and I STAY cold (also, my normal body temperature is a full degree lower than "normal--98.6F--and it can go a full degree lower than that even when I'm healthy and just literally and figuratively chilling inside). I joke that I'm part reptile. Hot weather can make me a little dizzy and queasy but cold weather can sometimes give me a bit of a headache. And second, for about a year or so now, I've noticed that when my fingers get cold, my fingertips hurt. Oddly specifically, if I put my fingertips together and press, I feel pain that feels a little like the skin around my nail beds is being pulled away :-( It's something I've been meaning to ask my doctor about but a) it's an inconvenience, not an outright problem and b) I'd like to wait until I have better insurance.

Anyways, in my ideal world, the temperature would be mid-70s and sunny, with the temperature dropping to the mid-60s overnight but quickly warming back up again in the morning.

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