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I'm hearing from my contractor!

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Tue, 20-Aug-2024 11:07:41 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY CHATFEST~ posted by chloe
He came on Friday while I was at a meeting. My neighbor told me that there had been two men by my house. (That was the contractor and the electrician.) They stayed for about 30 minutes, then left. (She does good reporting.)

He, the contractor, said that the electrician pointed out where the plumbing lines were when they were looking at the placement of outlets and switches. That made him realize that he'd placed the washer and dryer at the wrong spot, so he sent me a draft sketch which moved the washer, dryer, and the refrigerator. He's coming over on Friday afternoon to make sure that we share a vision, before he gets too deep in the plan. I'd already asked him if we really needed two ceiling fans in the new room, since the fan I plan to use, one of five that I bought when I planned to have the patio added. My goal was to have them all match.

The fans are 52 inches. These are little things. So, he decided to put only one in the room. The room is going to be about 18 feet and a few inches by about 14 feet and a few inches.

This is sounding real.

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