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My long-delayed vacation post.

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn View Capricorn's profile Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Wed, 21-Aug-2024 3:46:20 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY CHATFEST~ posted by chloe
We drove out Monday (didn’t get as early a start as I would have liked). Met up with his brother, wife & their one granddaughter for lunch. Lunch took over an hour which bothered hubby and I a bit.

We finally get to where we were staying and checked in. Slight issue, the VRBO was on the top (3rd floor) of the building which meant a fair number of stairs. SIL and granddaughter do not do stairs easily. And even hubby & I didn’t like climbing that many stairs when we were tired. Anyways, once we got settled in it was back out to find some dinner/supper. The Starboard was down the street about 3 blocks so we headed there. No line to get seated which was nice as we had noticed a line at another restaurant across the street. After dinner, we went out to the beach. Just kind of looked at the ocean, listening to the waves on the beach and generally decompressing from the drive. Then walked down the beach for a bit and back out to the street. The other 3 went back to the VRBO while hubby & I walked up and down the street a bit more before stopping for a drink. Then back to our “home away from home” for bed.

Tuesday: the granddaughter is a teenager and was still sleeping when the 4 of us went to breakfast. Double-checked that the door was locked before we left as she was in the back bedroom and very much sound asleep. After breakfast we walked around a little bit and discussed what we might do. The granddaughter has spina bifida and some other medical issues so doing much walking/physical activity takes effort. SIL had back surgery 2 years ago and still isn’t 100%. SIL & I took hubby’s car to Walmart to get a few things. After we got back, they decided to just stay at the VRBO with their granddaughter and do something in town after she got up. Hubby & I got some bus passes and went up to Rehoboth Beach for the afternoon. We wandered the boardwalk for a while, popping in and out of some stores. We bought some things and then stopped at a restaurant to share a sandwich and have a drink. Unfortunately, we mistimed the bus routes back to Dewey Beach. (When you take the bus from Dewey to Rehoboth or vice versa – you take 1 bus to the transfer station/parking lot and catch the other bus to where you actually want to go. We ended up waiting almost an hour for the right bus to get us back to Dewey. We could have walked, but it would have been dark by the time we got there.

Wednesday us 4 adults got up and went out to the beach to see the sunrise. Lots of pictures were taken before we made our way back to our rental. They didn’t want to do much so hubby & I walked around Dewey a bit before we all took the “jolly trolley” up to Rehoboth. We walked the boardwalk a bit as they wandered in & out of a few stores. BIL got some ice cream then we went to a restaurant where we got some appetizers and something to drink. Hubby & BIL took off to do some looking around in other stores, while the rest of us took the trolley back to Dewey. The guys showed up about 20 minutes after we had eaten. All they had to do was reheat dinner. Then hubby & I went out for some ice cream.

Hubby & I went to church up in Rehoboth on Thursday (Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics – The Assumption of the Virgin Mary). A quick change of clothes back at our rental before everyone went out for breakfast. Back to the rental as they needed to help granddaughter pack up as her dad was to come and get her. (it would be a whole different and long post to explain why she was with us to begin with). Hubby & I looked in 2 of the tourist shops but nothing “grabbed us” so we walked out. We eventually ended up at a place called The Lighthouse and had a been while watching some boats on Delaware Bay. Back to the rental for a dinner of leftovers to clean the fridge out. We had booked a boat tour for the 4 of us hoping to see some dolphins. The tour was scheduled from 7-8:30 but it was closer to 9 by the time we docked as we had just been more or less stationary on the boat for a while as there were dolphins to be seen. It was a nice way to end the week. Did some organizing before bed to make leaving in the morning easier.

Friday was a quick breakfast, pack the last-minute stuff, start the dishwasher and empty out the trash. Hubby & I headed home while BIL & SIL went to visit her aunt further south and slightly west of Dewey.

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