SoapZone Community Message Board


infection in the eyelid due to stye that isn't really a stye, but kind of is.

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Mon, 26-Aug-2024 10:39:16 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~ Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Gabfest ~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
I mentioned in the PPT last week that my 'dry eye' was acting up, but it's not actually dry eye at all. I have what has been described as the 2nd kind of stye that doesn't actually show on the outside.

if THAT makes any sense.

anyway, it's infected and it super painful! I went to the eye doctor this morning thinking they would be all "warm compresses and time" and instead she was all, "this is an infection, you're going to be on antibiotics for a month and you need to come back on Friday so we can be sure its healing."

dear lord! lol

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