SoapZone Community Message Board


Ok SZ I agreed to do something this weekend that I never thought I'd do... spoiler

From: Bunky Find all posts by Bunky Send private message to Bunky
Date: Fri, 30-Aug-2024 9:12:13 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~Thursday, Friday & Weekend Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
I agreed to work day shift+my shift(6am-10pm) Both Saturday/Sunday.
Ever since the gal threw a tantrum over taking extra sweets meant for Staff--we're short on days now.
And why did I agree you ask? Because days shift are often helping us out so I figure if they can do it,so can I. Besides,I love these girls. They don't bark orders AND they don't sit around with their thumbs up their ***.

So that's my weekend. Oh and today at the start of my shift we're having a retirement party for a lady who works nights. So jealous/happy for her!!!

[Edited by Bunky on Fri, 30-Aug-2024 9:18:11 AM PDT]
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