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Like many of Priness Diana's relationships, they were on and off...

From: Jenners97 Find all posts by Jenners97 Send private message to Jenners97
Date: Sun, 01-Sep-2024 7:27:11 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: Lord Fellows, the late Queen's long time personal secretary, and Diana's BIL posted by CL
and since her mother and sister Sarah shredded all communications they could get their hands on, we probably wont know. At the time of her death, it's reported she was estranged from her mother/siblings and was talking to her stepmother, Raine (who she called Acid Raine). Princess Diana was complicated. I would have sworn she was a saint when she died, but having read so many books, seen the documentaries, she was just human. She did tremendous things, but she had her demons and like many of us, she could be one if you pissed her off. Always Team Princess Diana, I'm still holding out that she gets her HRH back when Prince William is king.

As friends of the Spencers tell it now, Jane and her husband were always in the middle b/c of Jane's allegiance to her sister and the way the Windsors treated her. There are certainly quite a few photos of them vacationing together or laughing.

Both Prince William and Harry adore the family and stayed close. Apparently, Harry's trying to use them to help him get back in, with a big move forward being Prince William agreeing to attend the funeral and support his aunt, regardless of Harry being there. I'm not sure I buy that, but I know it would bother and hurt Princess Di with the way things are btwn the two, so I hope things can be more civil going forward.

[Edited by Jenners97 on Sun, 01-Sep-2024 7:28:23 PM PDT]
[Edited by Jenners97 on Sun, 01-Sep-2024 7:29:18 PM PDT]
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