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Yep, I've done both Ancestry and 23AndMe. I believe one of them was

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 12-Sep-2024 6:19:04 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Week of September 9th Potpourri Post posted by Kitchop
In reply to: A few things... posted by Andrea
a gift while the other I got myself during a sale. A couple things have fascinated me about my results; first, because they go waaaaaaaaay back (not just a few generations), the results were not what I was expecting. All of Dad's grandparents came over from Germany back in the late 1800s so he assumed my results would be heavily skewed German. Mom's family was more European: some German but more English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. There was also a rumor that there was, yep, Cherokee somewhere in the mix (the main rumor was a Native American woman was brought VERY unwillingly into the family in the 1700s, maybe early 1800s, and Mom always thought her father looked NA). To Dad's and my surprise, I have slightly more "Northwestern European" DNA than German, and I'm over 10% "Sweden and Denmark" and almost 10% Russian. I'm also ZERO % Native American. The other thing that fascinated me: I get regular updates about my DNA as both Ancestry and 23AndMe tweak results and build a bigger database. My first results from Ancestry showed 20% Swedish and 5% Russian. Oh, and I was also surprised that siblings--maybe not identical twins but fraternal twins and other siblings--may have the same parents but won't have the exact same DNA. Almost all of bff's siblings, and bff herself, took DNA tests and their results differ ever so slightly.

More fun facts: according to 23AndMe, I have less than 2% Neanderthal DNA but still have more than 75% of the population. Bff's BIL is not only Slovenian, his DNA results came back over 99% Slovenian. I found that only a little surprising since Slovenian parents strongly encourage their children to marry other Slovenians, at least here in NE Ohio. And finally, Ancestry also includes parts of the country where your ancestors may have resided. They absolutely nailed the Southern regions where Mom's family began (mostly western NC/Blue Ridge mountains of Georgia).

23AndMe has a fun thing where they tell you what personality traits or physical traits you likely had. I found they're very hit or miss with that; for example, they "knew" I don't have a cleft chin and I *do* have excessive ear wax but they also think I hate cilantro (I don't--it's one of my favorite herbs) and had little or no hair at birth (I actually had enough straight, dark hair for the nurse to tie a little red ribbon in it before she brought me to Mom).

I had my first ever appoint!ent with a mental health professional to deal with my anxiety issues. We're still in the considering stage where we're figuring out the best path, but to start off, I really liked this guy. So that's a good sign. I debated posting this because y'all gone think I'm crazy lol, but in all seriousness, I know there is nothing to be self conscious about.

It's not, and it's great that you're taking control of your mental health!

I finally made an eye appointment that I've been needing to do for a little while, so yay new glasses! My distance vision has gotten worse, but overall things are good. And no retinopathy! Phew


And lastly, ugh scorpions. Little bastard stung me twice the other night. 😤

Boo! I'm hoping you were outside when stung and not in your house!

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