SoapZone Community Message Board


well that has to be a bit scary!

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Fri, 13-Sep-2024 11:47:43 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Week of September 9th Potpourri Post posted by Kitchop
In reply to: I blinked...and that grandson is four months old! posted by OnAnAlanisJAG
The little guy had bronchiolitis and RSV last month. He spent close to a week at Dupont Hospital. I stayed with my Granddaughter and granddogs. He is MUCH better now. He has nebulizer treatments at home several times a day and wears a monitor on his foot that allows his parents (and Grandma) to track his pulse rate and oxygen. Oldest jaggett had RSV (diagnosed at ten weeks) and was on nebulizer treatments 3x a day until she was six years old. At that time, the Dr changed her diagnosis to Asthma, and she has had two types of inhalers ever since. It seems the little guy takes after Mama. The monitor doesn't bother him, and he loves the breathing treatments. He is very chill and loves to listen to music. :)

i'm glad he seems to like the treatment, but i hope he heals well and has no lasting damage.

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