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Please pray/send good thoughts for my Dad. A couple weeks ago

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 16-Sep-2024 7:45:01 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~ Week of September 16 Potpourri ~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
he got...some kind of respiratory illness. I wanted him to take a COVID test but of course he didn't do so. There's some kind of awful cold going around right now that involves a lot of coughing; that might be what he had. He's recovered from the worst of it but he has an absolutely awful, deep, lingering cough. I want him to see a doctor but of course he won't do that either. Poor guy wakes himself up at night coughing, and he's taking 2-3 short naps a day because he's sleep-deprived. I know older people need more time to rid themselves of the lingering effects of illness but I hope (pray) Dad kicks this out of his system soon.

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