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we got our winter firewood delivered on Saturday.

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Tue, 17-Sep-2024 12:57:24 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~ Week of September 16 Potpourri ~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
We have leftover wood from last winter still stacked on the pallets, but a raccoon decided to wedge itself in between the 2 remaining stacks, then spreeeead them out so she had a nice big, covered and dry spot. the 2 rows are now leaning apart at very dramatic angles, it's a shock they haven't fallen down completely!

so that all needs to be restacked, and then the new wood, and we have decided to hire a couple of guys to stack for half a day, then we'll just do the rest. we are getting old and are tired of stacking wood, plus it's starting to just really hurt both of us.

We probably have another 10 years of burning firewood left in us, then we'll likely switch out the unit for a pellet stove or a gas fireplace. Our house is old enough that using the woodstove cuts down dramatically on our oil usage over the winter, and with all the storms, there's no shortage of available firewood. that will have to come to an end, tho. as we renovate each room, we're putting in really good insulation so eventually....when we're too old to do ANYTHING other than crank a thermostat, the house will be solid as a rock. LOL

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