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Re: Various articles about the episode have said things like spoiler

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Thu, 19-Sep-2024 7:44:04 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 📺Week of Sept 16 TV Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Various articles about the episode have said things like posted by The_Cat_Did_It
He said himself that he was clearly a bigger threat than Andy.

I think this was a mistake, though. I know this is Andy's dream -- he's an RHAP patron -- and he's wanted this his whole life, but it is NOT working out and they will probably regret their choices. but This is how it goes for the yellow tribe. There's always a chance Andy will get his act together, but they pointed out on RHAP that the best chance of Andy getting the support he needed just left with Jon.

I don't listen to the other podcast you mentioned so not familiar with them but Andy just felt like such a loose cannon to me.

He definitely is.

Minor explainer on the podcast -- RHAP, or Rob Has a Podcast, covers reality TV like sports radio and has been going on since about Survivor Phillipines. Maybe a bit earlier than that. It's hosted by Rob Cesternino, who came in third in season six and played in the first All-Star season. If you are a hardcore online Survivor fan then you are definitely aware of RHAP, so Aysha, who is a somewhat minor contributor (she has her own podcasts on the network, but they're about dating shows like 90 Day Fiancee and Love is Blind), would be recognizable to the super fans. Andy would DEFINITELY know who she is. The Parade magazine pre-game interview with her started with "AYSHA! What the hell? What are you DOING there?"

I say all that to say that this might be a factor deeper into the game. If Andy makes the merge (unlikely) or makes a swap (Eh. Maybe) he will absolutely want to work with Aysha.

Why would you risk him sticking around? His so called "physical strength" didn't even get him all the way through the first immunity challenge and he just meltdowns in front of every one, including the other tribes. He feels like such a liability to me.

I don't get it. They kinda did this with Brandon, too, a few seasons ago. But people actively wanted to quit. Andy is definitely struggling in a big way I don't know that it'll get better. I mean, maybe another team will lose. But lately, the team that loses first just keeps on losing.

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