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Hee! Many of us are guilty of that. I also feel that desire for any given

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 20-Sep-2024 9:03:34 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~ Week of September 16 Potpourri ~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: expensive is a very relative term, indeed! posted by chloe
object plays into considering something "expensive" or not. For example, I really, really love getting pedicures, and I especially love getting them at a nearby place called Jenniffer and Company (yes, too "f's" in "Jenniffer" for some reason). Pedicures at J&C are around $50 before tip, which is higher than some local places but also cheaper than some higher end salons. I've never made a lot of money (it was enough to live on and allow me a little flexibility in how I chose to spend it but never so much that I didn't have to at least consider what to use it for) but I've always justified getting an "expensive" pedicure because frankly, I love the place.

Another amusing example of the relativity of the term "expensive": Dad is notoriously cheap, albeit generous when spending money on others. Mom was slightly less so but being a single mom for a number of years definitely changed her perspective on spending. I grew up never lacking anything and getting a majority of things I wanted (a swimming pool and a pony are the only things I can think of that I asked for and didn't get as a kid <g>). I remember coming home one time from a discount shoe store--Famous Footwear, maybe or perhaps DSW--and showing off a pair of tennis shoes that I thought were a steal at $40. My folks thought the shoes were too expensive...they would've gone to Payless or Kmart (it was still around back then) and paid $10 for a pair of tennis shoes. I countered with well at least I didn't go to Nordstrom or Mar Lou (a local store specializing in hard to fit feet) and drop $200 on a pair of designer tennis shoes.

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