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Re: i have NO IDEA who spoiler

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Fri, 20-Sep-2024 10:34:52 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 📺Week of Sept 16 TV Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Re: i have NO IDEA who posted by chloe
Oh, I completely agree for the contestants (i just don't think for all viewers it's super important) it will/could sway how they feel about each other.

It is for me if it impacts the game. For instance, a few seasons ago on Big Brother they had Cirie in the house with her son, and the fact that one houseguest followed her on IG and therefore knew that Jared was her son was an important element of the game.

On the other side, there was another guy on the same season whose brother had been on Survivor and had been out in the first episode a few seasons earlier and it literally did not matter at all. It did add some humour if you knew, though.

I think podcasters have more sway with the younger generations than some sports players do. Its interesting how that dynamic could play out.

You'd think, but it's so niche, so the game is entirely "do you know who htis person is?" -- like if you listen to PSA or Lovett or Leave It you probably DO have an affinity for Lovett that helps him. But that's going to be this very specific sort of person.

(I don't know what that podcast is, either.)

Rob Has a Podcast -- God, I hope I'm not the only person who remembers Rob Cesternino. He was on Survivor Amazon and Survivor All-Stars. For one brief moment he was the most famous Rob from Survivor. Then Boston Rob claimed him as his first victim on All-Stars and now no one remembers Amazon Rob. He came in third. He was very funny. He has a podcast network that's very popular -- and I found out about it on SZ. I have no idea from who at this point.

yes, there was another guy 2 seasons ago? who had trouble sleeping, and the other last who had the night terrors.

Off the top of my head there was the trans man who turned out to be on meds he hadn't disclosed and they pulled him after the game started... there was the woman that quit -- Hannah? There was whatever was going on with Banhu. And yeah, the night terrors. but he stayed in the game. He also didn't have them initially. they emerged farther into the game.

They put them through more physically these days and I do think they edit so that we see mental health struggles more clearly than they used to. But there's also clearly a phenomenon around superfans not being emotionally ready for getting their dream of being on the show and then immediately having it go badly. For Andy, had he not felt on the bottom, I think we see a different guy. It's hard to say, though.

absolutely! having a fire can just make you feel better emotionally.

True. But I also think it's making the game worse because it impacts food and sleep and we keep getting this thing where one tribe starts losing, loses their flint, and then KEEPS losing. And that's not that interesting.

yes, i'm glad they do try to switch it up with the idols and advantages. This turn almost makes it not WORTH it, the difficulty and how looking for one paints a huge target on their backs.

"Hi, Gamer" from Aysha was definitely a bad moment for Rome. He just opened the door for her to bond over the fact that he was looking for the idol so hard.

That said, his legs hanging out of the well was just comedy.

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