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So...Coke came out with Oreo-flavored Coke Zero. And Oreos came out with

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 23-Sep-2024 6:46:21 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23rd Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
Coke-flavored Oreos. Um...why?

They're promoting the new product as "besties" teaming up but c'mon...who dunks an Oreo in Coke? For the record, I tried the Oreo-flavored Coke Zero and if you've ever tried a chocolate Coke (either at a fair* or at home using chocolate syrup), then you've had Oreo-flavored Coke (Zero). I'm curious as to why the Oreo-flavored Coke is only available in Coke Zero and not regular Coke. Too sweet? I haven't tried the Coke-flavored Oreos and probably won't, mostly because I'm ambivalent towards Oreos and kind of just want my Oreos to taste like...Oreos.

* there's a booth at both the county fair and the local maple festival that sells Coke in four flavors: OG, vanilla, chocolate and cherry. They've done so LONG before Coke actually started making Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke. I've never made cherry-flavored Coke at home but I've made vanilla Coke (with a few drops of vanilla extract) and chocolate Coke (a couple squeezes of Hershey's syrup did the trick). When I was in high school, there was a period of time when both I and a very good friend were obsessed with chocolate Coke. Or rather, chocolate Pepsi, because that was what my family usually had in the house.

[Edited by Wahoo on Mon, 23-Sep-2024 6:46:35 PM PDT]
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