SoapZone Community Message Board


*sigh* Ever start off with good intentions to tackle a big project and then

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 24-Sep-2024 6:20:58 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23rd Potpourri~*~*~ posted by chloe
get sidetracked by something stupid?

So I've been at my new job 2 months and even though I'm only working 20-25 hours a week, I have still managed to get behind on the housework. I've (barely) kept up with the kitchen, living room and bathroom but my bedroom is one empty pizza box away from looking like something out of the show Hoarders. I had every intention of tackling the mess today...but then I got an invite for coffee and a scone this morning, which took about 2 hours...and then I went to Target and wasted over an hour at customer service, then on my phone with customer service, then driving back...and then Dad and I were talking about the plumber coming out to look at something in the kitchen...and then I went for a walk...and then it was dinner...and then I was watching the Guardians' game. Finally, I was ready to start cleaning...and then I found my shoebox-size box of greeting cards I've been saving over the years (since early college years). I've now wasted 30 minutes re-reading cards and tossing the few that no longer amuse me or tug at my heartstrings.

And of course now I'm wasting MORE time posting on SZ...*sigh*

[Edited by Wahoo on Tue, 24-Sep-2024 6:21:47 PM PDT]
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