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Re: I feel I'm missing something the dryer was working but

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Wed, 02-Oct-2024 2:31:36 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 30th POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: I feel I'm missing something the dryer was working but posted by Wahoo
was noisy, and since your daughter was now sleeping in the room next to the dryer, you decided to fix the dryer? Instead of just doing laundry when she's awake? Also, the guy didn't show up to repair it so you just figured you'd fix it yourself?

Technically, the dryer was working. It was more than noisy. It had a drum solo that lasted for about an hour and a half (yes, it took that long to dry, and often after we restarted the cycle a few you couldn't just "endure" it. You had to restart it repeatedly) with squeaks added for more entertainment. The sound was like friction or resistance which made me think that there was a chance of an eventual fire hazard. Something was dragging or rubbing that shouldn't be and that could cause it to burn up/burn out. My daughter being in the living room down the hall was a minor factor, but largely because she has auditory sensory issues related to her type of autism.

I'm impressed with how far you DID get on the dryer, TBH. I'm sooooo not mechanically inclined. Also, I inherited Dad's cheapness; until something is broken beyond use, it gets jury-rigged so we are able to use it. The living room recliner is held together on the underside by duct tape and prayers. There were puddles of water on the top shelf of the fridge and occasionally the floor near the fridge due to something with the defrost drain connected to the freezer above...we were hoping being without power for five days last month would take care of the clog but it was a temporary fix, so now there's an unused baking sheet on the top shelf of the fridge catching the water, and we empty it every other day or so. And on and on in our older house...

My mother always said that by the time she called a repair person, she'd done just about all that could be done. She had done the troubleshooting, swearing, washed or rinsed stuff, etc. And that was before YouTube. With YouTube, I figure it's worth a try before I hire someone to stare at my broken stuff. It will be truly broken by the time I call for help. I don't call right away. I try stuff first. I feel independent, successful, and competent when I can manage to fix stuff myself. In addition, I got the dryer used, so I wasn't sure how much I should invest in a dryer that cost less than $200.

Last week, I *thought* we were having an issue with the dryer. Laundry is a chore Dad often beats me to; he'd washed the clothes and tossed them into the dryer. As the clothes were whirling around, I kept hearing a clunk-clunk-CLUNK sound and thought oh crud, the dryer's busting (it's probably 30 years old at this point). I mentioned it to Dad but he dismissed it as the studs on the several pairs of jeans in the dryer,, that wouldn't have been as loud as this clunking was. So I went to the garage (where the washer/dryer is located), popped open the dryer door...and there was Dad's pocket knife sitting fortunately right on the rim of the door. I'm grateful he always has the knife folded or the clothes spinning around with it would've been very well aerated...😁

I found out the evils of washing wool dryer balls and putting them in the dryer with the other clothes I washed with them. BAD IDEA. I meant to type BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It actually threw a previous dryer out of alignment because of the weight of wet wool dryer balls. Lesson learned. Have spares and put the wet ones outside to dry.

Hoping to have a functioning dryer soon. Hanging stuff outside on the rack leaves them wrinkled and I worry when I see the dogs circling the rack (It's like an umbrella with ropes at the top with three sides for hanging stuff and holes at the top for hangers.) and looking curious. It's a fallback, not a regular thing. Even in the screen room, it takes quite a while to dry. Only a few more days.

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