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Well I just lost a couple hours going down a personal rabbit hole...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 04-Oct-2024 7:59:30 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 30th POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by chloe
Earlier today, while looking for one of my junior high school yearbooks, I found a bunch of old manila envelopes filled with...stuff. I was about to be out the door--I had one last "birthday" meal with a friend and former co-worker of mine--so I tossed everything onto the bed and came back after supper to look at it. First I flipped through my high school class' "senior book". I was pleased to see I still remembered many of the in jokes that made it into the senior book, both those between me and my friends and those more generally known in my class and/or 80's specific, though there's a couple lines in my "memories" section that I'm a little unsure about*

*on only a semi-related note, I realized I'm 12 short years away from my 50th high school reunion...eek!

Our marching band also did a sort of a book for my senior year, filled with both charts, song listings and a section again of "memories", though this time, it was everyone's memories all listed together. Again, I recognized everything I, or a fellow band geek I was close to, contributed as well as some of the references made by other band members but some were unfamiliar to me.

And then I looked in the manila envelopes and found a bunch of old articles/old issues of magazines related to the various sports stars I followed or had crushes on. I feel like some of these magazines and old programs could be at least slightly valuable...I wish I had some clue where to take them for an honest appraisal. I'd hate to take, say, the July 6, 1992 issue of Newsweek, with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan on the cover, to the local sports card/memorabilia store, be given $5 for it and then find out it's worth $50. I tried doing a little research but Google mostly just shows me people selling the same item on eBay, Mercari and other sites for wildly different prices. I've thought about trying to sell my collection online myself but eh, it seems like such a hassle.

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