SoapZone Community Message Board


We, individually, can't but WE, COLLECTIVELY, can which is why

From: CL Find all posts by CL View CL's profile Send private message to CL
Date: Sun, 06-Oct-2024 2:21:56 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 30th POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Oh, absolutely no apology needed--we're good 😊 posted by Wahoo
the CEOs and big companies tries so hard to continue the narrative of them vs you. That to get that cookie (See Justathot's post below), the immigrant/woman/other is trying to steal it from you while the CEO is sitting on the 9 other cookies.

There's also another meme out there showing the working class supporting (like Greek God Atlas) the wealthy eating a steak meal with gold on the table, one person decided to stand up, but the table is still table. But what if everyone under the table rise up? The steak dinner will topple. Hence, why it is better for the filthy rich to continue that narrative of that one person getting fed up is UNGRATEFUL vs that fed-up person is trying to make life better.

Though there are inherent problems with the unions (greed and power are a bit addicting), I still think Unions are a good thing.


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