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Re: Survivor - Dreamylyfe 😉

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 08-Oct-2024 8:31:54 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Week of October 7th TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Re: Survivor - Dreamylyfe 😉 posted by Dreamylyfe

Team Sam. Annika is bossy and condescending. That could not be me, I would have either told her off or walked off and said do it yourself. She doesn't know how to talk to people.

See, is she bossy or is she right and he's frustrated by it? She seemed to have more of a grip on what needed to be done -- so if she's wrong, I have sympathy for Sam. But if she had a point, I think he was was letting his ego get in the way. He also wasn't covering how upset he was at all. The bit where he just starts violently hacking at the rope was hilarious.

Both things can be true 😂 But please and thank you go a long way. I didn't hear either of those things come out of her mouth. Clearly she needed his brawn, but give the guy a fist bump or a high five afterwards. I would have reacted the exact same way he was because to me, she was not hiding the fact that she is smarter or that she was irked by how he was trying to do it. The clothes line thing is a prime example of that. It's a freaking clothes line. If you want it more taut, then make it more taut. Sam should have just walked away. I'm not about to stand there and argue over something so trivial. I'd stand back and let her do it her way and if it works, I'll use it or I will make my own clothes line my way or just lay my clothes on branches, as I've seen other contestants do in the past.

Team Kyle. I think Sue is okay and of course she has the right to be upset that he threw a vote on her. I hope Kyle makes it far in the game. I like him so far. Once again, these people can't hold water. I get trying to build trust but tell ONE person. Why are they telling their entire tribe when they get an advantage or idol? It's so risky, because nine times out of ten, they will try to flush it out.

Yeah, we are aligned here. My father didn't see Kyle the same way I did. I thought he was in a bad situation and was doing decent work to get out of it and I thought Sue was being harsh. But we'll see.

He definitely was in a bad situation. You survived. It was one boat. Cut the guy some slack. What are your thoughts on Andy? I think he's weird LOL. Seems like a nice guy but he's an odd one.

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