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I came home the other day from work with more hand-me-downs from

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 09-Oct-2024 9:17:12 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🍂 Week of October 7th Potpourri 🍂☀️ posted by Leia
my fellow employees. This time, it was "D" who'd cleaned out her closet. What I kept: a pair of black jeggings that are a tiny bit saggy in the thigh but look OK with the not quite cute but not quite ugly LONG leopard print blouse I'm keeping*, a pair of black knit pants that are a tiny bit tight at the waist but again doable with a long top (which most of mine are) and a black ponte** jacket that is again fairly long and only barely buttons but looks good unbuttoned. What I'm returning: a ponte skirt that I couldn't get buttoned and a chunky black and white necklace that feels like it weighs 100 pounds and snagged my hair when I was pulling it off. I'm undecided if I think the necklace is pretty or ugly...

* - I mainly kept the long blouse because leopard is practically a uniform at Chico's, and there are certain days we're asked to wear it. I have no idea what D was thinking when she bought it; she's 5' nothing and I'm almost 5'9" and the blouse comes down to the top of my knees. I *could* belt it and wear it as a dress...but I won't <g>.

** - "ponte" is a heavy double knit fabric that is a favorite at Chico's. This jacket is heavy (it's an older piece; I'm told the newer ponte is both lighter and better wearing) and a bit too warm to wear any time except in the winter, IMO.

We also had a customer come in the other day who's a former employee and is cleaning out HER closets, which are full of Chico's clothing. She promised to bring a couple bags of clothing with her the next time she comes in...and she's also my size. I'm both starting to feel a little like a charity case and hoping there's some sweaters in the next bag of free clothing (and maybe a decorative scarf or two).

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