SoapZone Community Message Board


Seriously! It's honestly a blessing...the company in general, and my SM

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 09-Oct-2024 10:54:59 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🍂 Week of October 7th Potpourri 🍂☀️ posted by Leia
In reply to: Dang. Who knew that you'd practically get a new wardrobe working there! posted by Cassie
in particular, would really like employees to wear Chico's clothing, current or older. IMO, if that was so important to them, they should either gift us a $500 gift card (after we've worked there for a while) to get some clothes or else give us even more of a discount to purchase clothes (because our employee discounts only take off so much, and when you're charging $200 for jeans, you need to have a HUGE discount to afford them on your pittance of a salary).

My first full-time (ish) paying job was as a hostess/waitress at Perkins. I had to wear a blouse and skirt in the shade of green from the logo but it was provided by the company. All but one of my co-workers have been at Chico's for at least 5 years or more and have amassed a pretty impressive wardrobe of Chico's clothes. Pretty sure some are spending most, if not ALL, of their paychecks on Chico's clothes, which we get at a discount of either 50% or 65% if it's something called a "made" (as in "we made it to a certain goal so you're getting the bigger discount"). So for them, it's no problem wearing Chico's all day, every day, but it's a little harder when you've not worked there forever, even though over the years, I *have* shopped there and still have a few pieces I can wear to work.

On a semi-related night, we had NO customers for over 2 and 1/2 hours. There's only so many shirts I can refold and so many racks I can straighten before I'm *really* bored...I started thinking about an old episode of Laverne and Shirley, where the girls win a contest that allows them to go around a grocery store after closing hours and grab as many items as they can in a certain amount of time and it's all free (being a sitcom, of course it didn't work out the way it should've <g>). I was thinking how cool it would be if I was allowed just 15 minutes to walk around the store and grab anything I wanted and not have to pay for it, so I walked around and counted how many items of clothing (not the jewelry--I like almost ALL of that <g>) I would take if I could have that 15 minutes. On the main floor alone, there were 41 items, plus there was at least a dozen things I wanted that we don't currently have in my size. I didn't even count anything in the storeroom; we have two long racks of items that won't be put out on the floor for a couple more weeks (or longer) and another four racks of stuff that didn't sell and is waiting to go back to the warehouse. Some of the latter dates back to the beginning of this year (shirts with hearts on them for Valentine's Day, for example).

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