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i'm going to partially disagree, here...

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Fri, 20-Dec-2024 10:35:56 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 📺 Week Of December 16th TV Post 🎄🎄 posted by Leia
In reply to: Boy. posted by Dreamylyfe
You and I see Sam really differently. I am delighted Rachel won. Best game of the final three -- but also, Sam was only AT the final three because of wind. I hate the final fire making challenge, but Teeny's was built first, built bigger and the wind screwed her. He completely lucked into that final spot in a way where I can't even assign it to his social game, or some level of some kind of skill. The literal wind did him a solid.

Teeny's fire wasn't HIGH enough. She used all her husk to get the fire started and didn't add in enough sticks to make the fire TALL. if she had added more sticks, she would have burned through the string before the wind blew the fire in the opposite direction.

With no wind, Sam STILL would have had that opening - it just would have been a lot smaller window.

Hubby and I talked about this at great length last night while debating the benefit of the fire-making challenge.

You know what I'd like to see? Jeff surprise the next group of castaways by announcing there would NOT be 3 at the final, but it would go back to the original 2. Imagine all the contestants going into the game thinking it would be 3, and then finding out at the last minute it's only 2? Fantastic tv.

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