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WWSZD: Canceled Floriday trip!

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 24-Dec-2024 9:52:46 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🔔—Week of December 23rd Post —-🎄🎁 posted by Leia
I have a good friend that I have known for 32 years. He actually has a crush on me but I have explained to him many times that my love for him is not romantic. He moved to Tampa, FL a year ago and all this year he has been nagging me to come visit him. I told him not until Fall/Winter because I am not a fan of Florida's hot/sticky/humid weather. Early November, I suggested I come visit him for my bday which was 12/14. He said sure, send me some dates and I'll check my calendar. I let him know that I wanted to fly in Friday and leave early Monday. "No problem he said."

He was back in Chicago for a funeral, the week before I was due to head to Tampa. He text me and was like: "I wanna see you. We need to hang out while I'm here." I told him we could. He didn't hit me up until 9pm Sunday night and he had a flight early the next day. I told him it had gotten so late, that probably not a good idea. He sent me sad face and I said don't worry--you will see me in five days and then he replied with :-)

FF to Thursday night. Here is how our text exchange went:

Me: Here is my flight itinerary.

Him: Cool. Can't wait to see you. I hope you will have time for me. Where are you staying?

Me: Huh? I'm coming to visit you, so I'm staying with you as was the plan?

Him: Oh wow! Can we please reschedule?

Me: 🤯 Please be joking!

Him: No. I'm serious. I need urgent medical test done and I already delayed it so that I could go to the funeral. I promise you, I can make any other weekend work.

Me: How could you not tell me this?

Him: I'll make it up to you. Did you buy the insurance? You can get a refund. If not, flight credit.

I go in and cancel the United flight and did receive credit. I tried to do the same with Frontier and it would not allow me. I've had a hard time getting ahold of them and it is a real possibility that I am out of $60. Friday, he text me again:

Him: Did you get the flight credit?

Me: For United yes, for Frontier not going so well. I might be out of $60.

Him: I'm so sorry. I miss you!

Me: I'll be alright. At least you finally apologized. I'm trying to give grace because I don't think you would have done this on purpose. Honestly, the reason you gave me doesn't feel like the whole story. Tests don't take an entire day, so I dunno what to think.

Him: No response at all.

This wasn't just a normal trip. This was a bday trip. I am shocked he hasn't even offered to reimburse me for the $60. I was going to ask about it but then my buddy goes: You know what? I wouldn't. It should be a given that he should do so as a no-brainer. The fact that he hasn't is concerning. I kind of agree wit him. If I ask, then it isn't genuine. He'd be doing it because I asked him to. The $60 won't break me but the entire thing really has irked me beyond belief. My friend normally isn't flaky. He isn't dating anyone--even if he was, just introduce me to them. But I'm almost certain he is single.

WWSZD? Would you mention reimbursement or just stay silent and adhere to Maya Angelou: "When people show you who they really are...believe them the first time!"

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