SoapZone Community Message Board


Thank you, and back at you! TBH, I've had better Christmases. spoiler

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 28-Dec-2024 9:24:00 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🔔—Week of December 23rd Post —-🎄🎁 posted by Leia
In reply to: Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to my SZ community! ❤️ I hope posted by Kitchop
* marked SPOILER for sad news involving an animal*


Bff's rescue dog Rosie died very unexpectedly Christmas morning 😢 I will spare everyone the gory details; essentially, she had a seizure (which she's never had before) and a LOT of bleeding and was gone in 10 minutes. The emergency vet said there was nothing bff could've done but she's still beating herself up a little, thinking she should've been able to do something. She knew when she adopted a dog that spent over 5 years churning out litters in an Amish puppy mill that she wasn't getting a Rottweiler that would live to 12 or 13 but she didn't expect her to not make it to 10. All we can do is reassure bff that she gave Rosie the best almost 4 years of her doggy life and Rosie is now at peace.

On a much less tragic note, I'm fighting what I think is a cold. I started feeling a little off last Monday night but it didn't really blossom until Thursday. I'm not feeling poorly, and I'm not running a fever (well, not usual temperature is 97.6, not 98.6, and I've occasionally had a thermometer reading of 99, which for me is a low-grade fever). I did test for COVID; that was negative, thank goodness. Right now, this...whatever...has settled into my upper lungs and is causing a raspiness to my breathing. There's some kind of crud going around right now that is likely the same thing I have; if it's not gone in a week or so, I'll have to go to the doctor.

So not exactly a happy holidays for me.

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