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I am off today and tomorrow 😀 Most Chicos are open today but

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 31-Dec-2024 6:54:10 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🎊 Week of December 30th Post 🥂 posted by Leia
for some reason--possibly our location?--ours is not. I *was* a bit surprised to be off today though (and Christmas Eve); I just assumed as the newest hire, I'd be working all the holidays/busy shopping days. I'm happy though...and my plan is, with a brief exception of walking to a neighbor's house to deliver some overdue Christmas gifts, I will not be stepping foot out of MY house. The last time I stayed home an entire day was Thanksgiving; since then, I've either been working, going to church or doing something related to Christmas (shopping for gifts/ingredients for a potluck dish, going to a gathering, etc.).

I desperately need to clean a couple rooms of the house. After that, I have a couple movies I rented to watch, as is my NYE/NYD tradition. Tomorrow, I'll cook a pork tenderloin and serve some blackeyed peas (possibly in the form of hoppin' John) for luck. I don't like greens or sauerkraut enough to serve either of those though.

And yes, once again I'll try, and fail, to consume 12 grapes between midnight at 12:01 AM <g>.

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