SoapZone Community Message Board


We're in FL and have lots of friends visiting us (which we love).

From: ladyday Find all posts by ladyday View ladyday's profile Send private message to ladyday
Date: Mon, 13-Jan-2025 8:28:50 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ❄️Week of January 13th Post ~~~~ posted by Leia
One friend is one half a married couple friend(s) and he came down two days after we arrived. Then our other couple friends arrived for their usual January visit. When Rich leaves on Wednesday, our other couple friends will arrive and overlap with CF#1. CF#1 and CF#2 are also very close friends so it will be a fun overlapping week with all of them.

On Saturday night we trekked out to the beach for the Christmas Tree Bonfire and it was great fun! I posted lots of pics and videos on FB and Instagram. It was a really fun time! And then we walked down the street to our favorite Cuban restaurant for dinner. Yum!

Sunday was football watching. First at the local bar that is like a family place. Everyone brings food to share. I brought my chocolate caramel brownies. We had fun hanging out and then went home to watch the Eagles at 4:30. Fly Eagles Fly!!!!

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