SoapZone Community Message Board


My heel wearing days are almost over. I *never* tottered around

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 16-Jan-2025 2:03:20 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ❄️Week of January 13th Post ~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: I am not a heels wearer. I do have a lot of cute flats that I will wear posted by Sparky
on stilettos except for the one time 20 or so years ago when I took my young niece downtown for the Sunday Gospel Brunch at House of Blues and then over to Tower City (mall) to look around. We were in Payless, giggling about the ridiculously high and pointy heels on sale, and she dared me to try on a pair. I nearly turned an ankle on that first step. I literally had to hold on to the shelving just to walk down the aisle and back.

But that is my expectation for me. I don't judge anyone else for their footwear, clothing, or hair color/style choices. I am a live and let live kinda chick.

I try to be but honestly, I can be a bit judge-y when I see what folks wear to church these days and what folks wear to funerals, especially when I know they own "nicer" clothes. I'm working on it though!

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