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Well that won’t be me😂. You start with what you know and find other

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Sat, 18-Jan-2025 12:28:40 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ❄️Week of January 13th Post ~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: I'm hoping some professional with a good camera posts pictures posted by Wahoo
Objects from there.

The Big Dipper is an asterism within Ursa Major. An array of stars that look like something. When we were at Mono Lake, there were so many stars it took me a bit to realize that I was looking at the Big Dipper.

If you can see Orion, that’s a good starter constellation in the winter. It looks like a stick figure wearing a belt and laying on its side. It’s in the same arm of the galaxy as we are, has multiple bright stars and is easy to make out. We are actually in the Orion Arm.

From that, looking With a decent star chart or app, you would find the closest visible star, Sirius, below it and a bit to the left. It looks like a flickering Christmas ornament, multicolored and dancing (people mistook it for a drone BTW). It’s so bright to us because it’s 8.6 light years away and is in a binary system.

Right now around 8 PM or so it’s sorta in the SE.

Having Jupiter up there in Taurus has enabled me to identify a few stars in Taurus and Auriga that I didn’t know before.

Sirius is my baby, though. I love that star. I anticipate seeing it every winter.

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