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I have had driving issues myself.

From: CanaryFan98 Find all posts by CanaryFan98 Send private message to CanaryFan98
Date: Mon, 20-Jan-2025 2:51:29 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF January 20, 2025 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I had yet another terrifying drive yesterday (and it was partially my fault) posted by Wahoo
Earlier in the month when it was snowing at a rapid pace and they let us leave the office early so we could work from home. As I was about to turn on the road leading to my place. My car skidded off the road and hit a pile of snow(which was more like ice) cracked my bumper. Luckily I was by myself when this happened. However it's going to be a while for this to get repaired so I have a rental car right now. Fortunately I think I will only need to use it for a couple of days at least because today I'm off for holiday. I work from home tomorrow and then go to the office after that. I think it would only take 3-4 days for repair (maybe sooner) and two days will already be done at that point.

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