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I'ts literally the coldest day of the year so I decided to go down to the

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Tue, 21-Jan-2025 5:48:41 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK OF January 20, 2025 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
train station and meet my dad when he came in, because if I'm there tempting him to use Uber with my fancy cellular telephone he will probably relent and not try and take the subway to my place.

I get down there and the place is infamously a rabbit warren so I go down a hallway I think will probably lead me where I want to go and happen across to employees. So I ask them "Hey, do you know where I should go to meet Train 75?"

They both look baffled.

"Train 75?"

"Windsor line. It's due in eight minutes?"

"Oh, that train was cancelled!"

They then tell me he'll be on the train coming in at 9:50.

It's not even 6PM.

I tell them my father is the last person in Canada without a cell phone and they both reel. "That must be hell!"

"Well, it does lead to stuff like this happening. And he doesn't like to ask people to borrow their phones, either. But honestly, what was his plan here? He wouldn't be getting to my place until 11! He must know I'd be thinking he was lying on the tracks someplace."

They are at least a decent audience for my rant, but there's nothing to be done so I head back to my place. I stop to buy him some snacks because I assume he'll be starving when he gets back. Just as I am coming out of the subway with my grocery bag my phone from a mysterious Western Ontario phone number. And sure enough, it's my father. Someone is letting him use their phone. He's going to be late. And he's sitting at the train station, NOT EVEN ON A TRAIN YET, eating pizza.

So now I'm home, chilled, with snacks he says he doesn't need, no dad and trying to decide if I go BACK for 10:00. It's going to take him forever to get up here, but it's an $8 Uber trip. Which he'd know, if he HAD A PHONE.

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