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Remodeling BAD NEWS...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Wed, 26-Feb-2025 4:44:50 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK OF FEB 24 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
After failing the inspection on Wednesday, speaking to the contractor/salesperson who wrote up the plan, and putting a hold on a check (not necessarily in that order), things got weirder.

The salesperson sent me an e-mail on Monday stating that they'd completed their work on Thursday, and I owed them the balance. They'd spoken with their attorney and interest would be charged if the balance wasn't paid by a certain date.

First, they didn't complete one of their written points that needed to be corrected until Friday. There hasn't been a follow up inspection. It hasn't even been scheduled, so the job isn't finished.

I went to the plans people and called the inspector to get a clearer understanding of things. I told my landscaper that there may still be a problem with the patio. The HVAC people have ordered the replacement face plate or document needed on the heat pump, but they don't know when it will arrive.

The landscaper had made a deal about doing a minor trim, but the inspector, who would inspect again, didn't know about the deal and wouldn't agree to it. The landscaper tried to trim the siding, found that there wasn't enough room and decided to...remove the entire patio (44' X 10' on one side and 25' X 9' on the other). They've been jackhammering since yesterday around 11am. He said that they're going to remove it, repour it, and make sure they have the clearance. I paid $15,500 for the job, but he said that he's going to "eat" the cost of the removal and the repour because it didn't pass.

Hopefully they'll finish removing the patio by Friday so the company that did the majority of the work will be able to pour the concrete for two stoops (a small one by the single door (3' X 3') and probably larger one by the double door (3' X 6')) which we'll rip out and dump when we have the patio redone.

I explained the stoop plan to the contractor's supervisor. I'd invited him to my house to show him the progress on removing the patio and reminding him that he and his company were now responsible for installing stoops as part of their job. I reminded him that the inspection had failed because his person did not bring the plans and his crew did not put in a GFCI outlet where appropriate. I would not pay him one penny until I get a certificate of occupancy. I do not wish to hear from that other contractor again and if he comes onto my property, I will call the police and have him charged with trespassing.

We have an understanding. He gave me his e-mail address and I'll contact him as this progress. There are NO lawyers or lawsuits pending. He said that is verbiage they use when someone doesn't pay their bill. I asked him if I hadn't paid my bill and he said I had paid my bill.

Better than before, but it was fun while it lasted. I told him, again, as I'd told the other contractor, that I'm never using his company again and I would never recommend it.

He's hoping to be able to only put two 3'X3' stoops by the doors, one 3' X 3' one by the single door and one 3' X 3' stoop by the active door of the double doors. I gave him a look and he said he'd check to see what the requirement is to pass the inspection. I told him that they may need a 3' X 6', but I'm definitely going to throw it away when we have the patio redone. (I'm looking forward to having them eat that cost.) He said that they do not have to pay for the re-inspection (rats!), but I suggested that he make sure everything is right before he schedules it. he agreed.

Going through amazing things right now, but I'm sure I'll eventually get to use the new room.

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