SoapZone Community Message Board


I loved Roberta Flack.

From: ladyday Find all posts by ladyday View ladyday's profile Send private message to ladyday
Date: Wed, 26-Feb-2025 8:43:57 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF FEB 24 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: Buffy and Gossip Girl Vets React to Former Co-Star’s Tragic Death posted by Antwon
But I'm probably one of the oldest posters on this board. And Roberta lived to a ripe old age. Honestly she's one of the ones who I went, "Hmmm...I didn't realize she was still alive". Because she is someone I grew up listening to, from my mom's records. And I'm old, lol.

Michelle? She was tragically young to die. And I remember her because my children loved the Harriet the Spy movie. And obviously most people here remember her from Gossip Girl and Buffy. A younger generation.

I know and love me some Roberta Flack. Killing me Softly With His Song. Killed me how huge Lauryn became from that song but how many young folks had no idea it was not her song. (and don't get me wrong I LOVE the Fugees and lower case love Lauryn).

[Edited by ladyday on Wed, 26-Feb-2025 8:44:18 PM PST]
[Edited by ladyday on Wed, 26-Feb-2025 8:45:24 PM PST]
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