SoapZone Community Message Board


Oh, you missed a ride with the fandom. LOL.

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Thu, 27-Feb-2025 3:26:08 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF FEB 24 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: Now I'm intrigued ... what was the song? posted by The_Cat_Did_It
It was sort of an open secret that SMG and David had a thing (his first wife has also at least heavily implied as much). The wildest rumor was that they'd had sex shortly before the S3 finale scene where SMG has very openly discussed adlibbing in that Buffy had an orgasm when Angel was feeding on her. Which yes, if you do the math, she was with FPJ. Whatever was going on with that scene, Sarah was...really, really, really into it. LOL.

The ugliest **** (imo) is better known - what Joss was doing. Particularly when it came to Michelle on BtVS and of course, his HIDEOUS treatment of Charisma Carpenter. But that song. OOOF. I literally have to mostly FF Spike and Dawn scenes now. There were rumors Sarah and James didn't get along, but I don't know how substantiated they are - I don't think mutually hated Buffy/Spike because of each other or because they didn't want to work together. I think they both just really ****ing hated Buffy/Spike as a romantic pair.

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