SoapZone Community Message Board


If there is no suspicion of foul play, an autopsy probably wouldn’t tell

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Thu, 27-Feb-2025 9:44:51 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF FEB 24 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: Wow! Her cause of death will remain as "undetermined." Her family posted by Antwon
the family anything they don’t already know. If she recently had a liver transplant, she must have been in a very serious medical crisis for a while before her surgery. Sadly, complications, both physical and emotional, are very common when someone is going through something this serious. Knowing that she had a recent organ transplant, her death doesn’t seem mysterious. Heartbreakingly sad but not mysterious. It doesn’t sound like many people, other than those closest to her, knew about her transplant surgery until after her death. Clearly, she wanted privacy while she was alive and her family is trying to maintain her privacy after her death. The public can mourn her while respecting her privacy.

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