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Good afternoon! I'm about to leave for work myself--I have the

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 03-Mar-2025 10:15:37 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~Week of March 3rd Potpourri Post~*~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: Morning,all! posted by Bunky
later shift and am closing solo for the very first time. Praying nobody has a cash deposit; we don't get a lot of those and I'm still a little fuzzy about what I need to do computer-wise to record them (I got the paper part down PAT <g>).

A question for you prefer working mornings or afternoon/evenings? I'm finding I like things about both shifts. Where I work now, I don't have to be up ridiculously early for a morning shift (I leave the house around 8:45 AM on days I work early) but it DOES cut into my "lounging around, scrolling through stories on my phone" time in the morning, and of course for this job, I have to look nice, so I need extra time to get ready. But I'm then out early enough to go shopping after work and cook dinner for Dad. If I work the evening shift, I get to lounge around, go shopping in the morning and cook lunch for Dad but then I get home later and don't eat dinner till almost 8:00 PM, which is a little late for my tummy (I'm like a cat in that I like my meals at certain times <g>). Plus there's cleaning involved when I have the later shift.

I noticed in the next couple weeks, I have those annoying "swing shifts" where I don't have to be in quite as early, but I also won't have any time to do anything in the morning, and then I'm still home later and won't be able to have dinner until 8:00 and won't have time to do anything after work *sigh*.

[Edited by Wahoo on Mon, 03-Mar-2025 10:15:52 AM PST]
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