solo at the store. Or at least closing with someone who's never closed the store before. It wasn't exactly a total 💩 show but maybe 💩 showers? There's still
so much I don't know (like how to e-mail a customer their receipt after a phone sale) and even with as few in-store customers as we have most days, there still always seems to be that one thing that requires someone with more knowledge than me. Anyways, I was praying we wouldn't have anyone paying in cash or with a check tonight (ironically, I still like to pay in cash because it helps me stay on budget) as I wasn't totally certain about the extra step on the register at the end of the night when we have a deposit (I got the paper trail part down pat). So of course we only had four paying customers all day today, and of course the last one paid cash. Store manager took the day off--she normally works 6 days a week and is hoping to go back to only 5 days a week with me as a key holder--but B (Big Grandma Energy) was there in the morning. I asked her about that extra step...she tried to show me on the register, in "training mode", and it screwed up a bunch of things. This could've been avoided if a) she'd just told me what to do (although I'm usually more of a visual learner) or b) if SM had set out the book I know we have somewhere in the store describing exactly how to close the store. A previous key holder needed it one night after having been off for a while ("D"--she only worked Mondays since she babysat her grandson the other days but now she's watching him on Mondays as well, plus a new grandbaby, with no help from the other grandma, who just had major surgery's a long story but suffice it to say D is no longer working for us and "LD"--the woman who has a Monday-Friday 9-5 job--went from working twice a month to working once a month, and they asked her to step down as keyholder).
Eventually, we (thought we) got the issue with getting stuck in training mode resolved and I eventually learned what I needed to know to close out the register with the cash deposit. But then the register wasn't accepting that it had the total it was supposed to have in it. I counted thrice, and the screen SAID the correct total, but I kept getting a message about a discrepancy in the total I was supposed to have and the total I actually had. Um, no...there was no discrepancy. I managed to work around that but at the very end, I had armed the alarm and was walking out with "M" (84 year old firecracker) and realized I'd forgotten to print out one of the reports that frankly I find redundant. I texted SM (she's such a control freak, she demands we text her the final numbers any night she's not there) and she said "no problem" but I'll probably hear about it tomorrow when I open with SM.
Oh well. As I told Dad this morning, as long as everything is locked up, I don't much care <g>. I figure the paperwork can always be reprinted/redone the next day.