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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Fri, 08-Dec-2023 8:34:21 PM PST
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
For the week of December 11th

Monday Dec 11th
Victor vows to protect Nikki at all costs; Michael takes on a new client; Adam makes progress with Sally.

Tuesday Dec 12th
Ashley strategizes with Jack; Mamie and Jill's feud reaches a boiling point; Diane teaches Kyle a valuable lesson.

Wednesday Dec 13th
Devon and Nate reach an agreement; Heather makes herself at home with Daniel during Lily's absence; Victoria and Cole vow to find out the truth about Claire.

Thursday Dec 14th
Victor receives suspicious news; Nikki goes to great lengths to hide her drinking; Danny receives a tempting invitation from Phyllis; Jordan plots her next move.

Friday Dec 15th
Ashley strikes a deal with Tucker; Kyle and Audra settle unfinished business; Summer struggles with her feelings for Chance.

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